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31 may 20216 Min. de lectura
El modelo de tres brechas
Por Gabriel Porcile* El desafío del desarrollo económico, tal como percibido en la temprana postguerra, era reducir las diferencias de...
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20 oct 20202 Min. de lectura
André Lara Resende and Modern Monetary Theory in Brazil
By Isaías Albertin de Moraes Recently, the renowned Brazilian economist André Lara Resende, former Director of the Central Bank of...
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24 ago 20203 Min. de lectura
El uso de metáforas en la batalla de las ideas económicas
Mauricio León La metáfora es un recurso retórico que traslada el significado de una cosa a otra diferente pero que guarda alguna...
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4 ago 20203 Min. de lectura
Why don't Latin American countries implement industrial policies?
Wilson Peres (ECLAC) Some crucial questions about industrial policy in Latin America remain unanswered. If, in the late 1990s, an analyst...
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4 ago 20202 Min. de lectura
Compacts for Equality: Towards a Sustainable Future
Alicia Bárcena, (Executive Secretary of ECLAC) In every forum where the future of Latin America and the Caribbean is analyzed, the same...
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4 ago 20204 Min. de lectura
Samuel Bowles: “The New Economics of Inequality and Redistribution”
Pauline Ravillard (Intern for the Production, Productivity and Management Division, ECLAC) On Monday 10th of November 2014, Samuel Bowles...
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4 ago 20204 Min. de lectura
CORE Project's "The Economy": an attempt to change how economics is taught
Felipe Correa, ECLAC consultant. In a recent post, Gabriel Porcile presented a new introductory book of economics called “The Economy”,...
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4 ago 20203 Min. de lectura
Patterns of Structural Change: A review of labor productivity decomposition
Antonio Martins Neto Moving away from poverty and set off a path of development remains a challenge in many countries. One of the main...
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4 ago 20205 Min. de lectura
Note on the book Neo-Structuralism and Heterodox Currents in LAC at the Beginning of the XXI Century
Esteban Pérez (ECLAC) This book, edited by the Executive Secretary (Alicia Bárcena) and Deputy Executive Secretary (Antonio Prado) of the...
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4 ago 20202 Min. de lectura
Income inequality in Chile since 1850
Javier Rodríguez Weber This paper is a synthesis of the author’s Ph.D. dissertation. It studies the relationship between income...
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4 ago 20201 Min. de lectura
Sustainability in an Post-Keynesian growth model for an open economy
Giuilio Guarini and Gabriel Porcile Giuilio Guarini and Gabriel Porcile just published this paper that expands the canonical...
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